速報APP / 教育 / Arabic Flashcards by Tinytapps

Arabic Flashcards by Tinytapps



檔案大小:55 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Arabic Flashcards by Tinytapps(圖1)-速報App

Arabic Flashcards:

Arabic Flashcards connects pictures with sounds for the very young, tickling their audio- visual nerves.

The pictures are of things around them…Animals, Birds, Transport, Nature, Music, At Home, etc.

Arabic Flashcards is a collection of:

1.100 Pictures with

2.100 Sounds they make.

Arabic Flashcards by Tinytapps(圖2)-速報App

3.100 Arabic Words.

4.100 English Words.

Developed specially for preschoolers, kids and toddlers, this app makes learning names of things and sounds they make easy and entertaining.

You’ll see a big broad smile on your child’s face and also hear him/her giggling and laughing each time he flips through these flashcards.

Brought to you by TinyTapps - a redbytes software brand


Educational Consultant: Sajeda Jamal

支援平台:iPhone, iPad